2009年12月20日 星期日

Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World

終於在圖書館遇上它, 一隻80年代在圖書館住的貓咪. Dewey Readmore Books, Dewey是牠的名字, Books是姓, 很貼題的名字. 

作者是個單親媽媽, 書中有一半是她的自傳, 不知道與貓咪有何關係, 也不見得有何特別, 單方面的數臭前夫, 離婚我不認為她沒有責任. 

原來這美國小鎮的圖書館, 除了可以借出書籍之外, 還有焗旦糕的焗盤借出, 真是細心.

與近幾年的貓狗寵物書, Marly and Me, 再見可魯一樣, 不是極度煽情, 就是過度神化. Dewey知道進門的人的心情, 可以預知讀者的喜愛, 特別喜愛某小孩, 原來他是有點弱能, ..... 

Dewey以17歲高齡完成牠的圖書館管理員工作, 最後是因生癌天給人道毀滅. 

我最鍾愛Ginger Cat



摘錄了以下關於pain thermometer

A hero of mine, Dr Charlene Bell, says everyone has a pain thermometer that goes from zero to ten. No one will make a change until they reach ten. Nine won’t do it. At nine, you are still afraid. Only ten will move you, and when you’re there, you’ll know. No one can make that decision. 


I learned that lesson for myself, too, because a marriage unwraps slowly. Maybe it’s not the slowness but the consistency that crushes you. Every day is a little bit worse, a little less predictable, until finally you’re doing things you never, very thought you’d do. 


Sometimes, one decision changes your life, and it doesn’t have to be one you make yourself – or even know about.

