2014年6月25日 星期三

Ronald Reagan

之前看了他的傳記, 這本是他的演說內容大概.


貴為總統, 當然有最好的攝影師, 這書的相片都很美.

狗狗很可愛, 主人也真情流露.

可以拍到這個角度, 真該是高手, 也不是平凡攝影師做得到.



此書說他的講辭, 都離不開, 美國是很自由民主的國家, 國民很愛國....

I got a letter from a man the other day…You can go live in Turkey, but you can’t become a Turk. You can go live in Japan, but you cannot become Japanese – or Germany or France – and named all the others. But he said anyone from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

Two Soviets… were talking to each other. And one of them asked, “What’s the difference between the Soviet Constitution and the United States Constitution?” And the other one said, “That’s easy. The Soviet Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of gathering. The American constitution guarantees freedom after speech and freedom after gathering.


I am sorry that some of the chairs on the left seem to be uncomfortable. (Address before the Assembly of the Republic of Portugal, as some of the Communist party assembly members walk out in the protest of his address.

寫當年穿梭機爆炸及軍人陣亡的悼詞, 寫得最感人. 可能是槍手的功勞.
Each time I issued an order, I reminded myself that it wasn’t just a nameless, faceless soldier I was dispatching, but a child of loving parent, a partner of an adoring spouse or perhaps the parent or provider for some happy children. I reminded myself that if things should go wrong, and casualties did occur, it wouldn’t just be a day of flag-draped coffins coming home. There would permanent empty chairs at family tables, vacant seat in Little League bleachers, and teary-eyed explanations to young children about why their daddy wouldn’t be coming home again.  

