覺得這一本比之前的1好, 可能較適合商業社會用.
每篇集中幾個生字, 用法寫一次, 英文又解釋一次. 之後, 有中文全譯本, 很詳細, 也易印象深刻.
- The eleventh hour - the last moment.
- Blink first - surrender, give in, back down
- As fate would have it, I left for the U
- on the very same morning the Book Fair started. 事情終於要發生
- HK's growing wealth gap is fanning hatred of rich.
- u-turn = back turn = 轉軚
- She made a complete u-turn by first cancelling paid meal breaks for staff and then resuming paid meal breaks under public pressure.
- He backtracked/u-turned/flip- flopped on his budget proposal to put $6000 into every MPF account.
- Fine weather friend is a person who is your friend only during good times.
- As happy as a lark (作者說as happy as a bird是不對)
- Did he make a slip of the tongue
不過, 我總是不明白作者Chugani為什麼不說一下自己的學歷.