2016年12月7日 星期三

The Best Life Stories

讀者文摘徵文, 再結集成書. 

每篇不多於150字, 很多都是說家庭, 愛情的重要, 或自己是經歷過苦難或惡疾再站起來, 很勵志很有意思. 

文字不多, 都是發自內心, 所以看起來很真實, 也易看. 
現在資訊發達, 網上各或各樣的分享很多, 希望讀者文摘可以抵得過時間及競爭的洪流. 


1.     It’s okay to date frogs: they will help you recognize your prince.
2.     Confidence is the best accessory
3.     Even if you have unlimited texts, call.
4.     Heartbreak doesn’t last forever, but it sure can feel like.
5.     Work like a dog in your twenties
6.     Know one good dirty joke and one doog clean one and the right times to tell each.
7.     Read more than you watch TV.
8.     Making mistakes is easy. Admitting them is difficult.
9.     Vulnerable doesn’t equal weak.
10.  Go to college, even if it’s just for the life experience.

