他的名句, Ask not what your country can do for your - ask what you can do for your country.
通常自傳是唱好的, 但, 此書的作者是研究古巴, 可以說是他的敵人了. 有說, 敵人是最了解自己的人, 因為朋友通常不會規勸自己, 敵人就最坦白, 最細心分析及攻擊自己的弱點.
書中有一些對Kennedy的負面評價, 我是一邊看, 一邊上網搜一下, 包括他與Frank Sinatra有聯繫, 而Frank與黑幫有緊密關係. 與網上資料吻合. 詳細稍後才寫吧.
說他的名句, 原來不是他首創. 早於1884年:
Oliver Wendell in his address to the Grand Army of the Republic, "It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country in return.
1900年代哈佛教授LeBaron Russell Briggs也有相似的句子:
Harvard professor urged students to think of their Ala Mater and "Always ask, not 'What can she do your me? But "What can I do for her?'
Kennedy 是哈佛學生很有可能聽過此句.
廸士尼1959年電影Zorro:Invitation to Death也有類似:
"Is this the time to ask what have you done for us? We should be asking what can we do for you.
不過, Kennedy整個人及策略都的確包裝得很好.