2020年3月1日 星期日

The John F Kennedy Handbook 3 - Marilyn Monroe

出奇的很快看完, 因為多相片, quotations. 

In hospital 9 times between 1955 and 1957. He had abscesses on his back, colitis and venereal infections, and had difficulty tying his shoe laces.

自小很多病,也有遺傳愛迪生氏病, 令他很依賴止痛藥, 書內更說他有性病. 

(Joe Kennedy) told people that he himself was a caterpillar. His sons would be his butterflies.

甘的父親一意要兒子圓他當總統的夢, 大兒子無緣無故的自己炸死自己, 三兒子孤僻, 所以二兒子成了最大的希望. 

因為娶了有權勢又受法國教育, 很有歐洲貴族味道的Jacqueline, 兩人都很受注目. 

甘的家族與荷里活中人結婚, 很明白傳媒的力量及公關手段.  


競選前, 他的父親已用很多錢收賣報館. 
Joe, knowing of the paper's financial difficulties, offered the Boston Post proprietor a loan of $500000 to get him to switch his endorsement from Lodge to Kennedy.

Democratic Party bosses were encouraged to put Kennedy's name forward as the "Approved candidate" on their local "Slate" (Stone). The story goes that one lucky boss, who had already received $2000 from Humphrey, received another $35000 from the Kennedy Camp, when he had only asked for one-tenth of that.

與尼克遜有首次的電視台辯論, 他的外型, 化妝經專人指導後, 給人印象很好, 所以勝出. 有說, 聽電台的人, 覺得尼克遜應該勝; 看電視的, 就認為是甘. 

與懷疑有黑手黨背景的Frank Sinatra很熟稔. 
可以去wiki搜一下, 他為什麼給懷疑. 


印象很好, 所以克林頓以這張相作他的競選工具.

哈佛學生, 本身的條件也很好. 

Marilyn Monroe佔的篇幅很少, 這件衫很貼身是穿在她身上縫的. 


看完了書, 我倒不覺得她是甘殺死的. 
甘本身已很多女人, Jacqueline也清楚知道, 而Jacqueline也傳與小叔及船王有私情, 要殺都是殺Jacqueline吧. (甘死後, 小叔十分照顧他的子女們) 

