很傳奇優秀的家族, 竟然很多後人死於非命.
應該由約翰甘迺迪的父親說起, 愛爾蘭裔美國人. 說他很渴望從政, 用金錢得到當駐英國大使的職位. 因為走私販毒得到很多錢. 書中說他的Hell Club是黃賭毒的溫室, 所以禍延子孫.
但, 香港支撐黃賭毒的有錢人不少, 不見得會令子孫橫死呀.
維基說他拒簽證給歐陸猶太人至美國,間接導致歐陸十餘萬猶人被害, 也是子孫橫死的報應. 但, 書中沒有提及.
書內很多篇幅是他, 英年早逝, 書內說與妻子快要離婚, 但墜機死了.
近十年橫死了9人, 很離奇.
此書似小說多些, 百多年的人事, 可以把主角的對白, 衣著, 思想也寫出來, 可信程度我覺得低.
加上很多人物, 有時用小名, 有時用乳名. 看得我頭痛.
I am a kind of Typhoid Mary.
如果知道自己的兒子與丈夫一樣會早邀, 不會要兒子的名字與丈夫一樣.
Hell-fire club, a notorious group of aristocratic hedonist who indulged in every form of depravity – drunken revels, gambling, whoring, pornography, sadomasochistic orgies, cross dressing… the curse of the Kennedy family might well be as a result of the blasphemy and irreverence associated with the club.
Joe hoped to use his ambassadorship as a stepping-stone to the White House and had directed a stealth campaign.
想當上國家領袖想得瘋了的父親, 兒子約翰最後達成目標. 可惜他9個子女, 4個死於非命. 2個被暗殺, 1個戰死, 1個墜機.
家族有關的, 橫死超過20個.
As a Kennedy, there was no substitute for being number one.
It is generally accepted as a fact by historians that Rose was an absentee mother.
9 lives have been wrecked by the family curse in the last decade alone.
10年死9個, 不是小數目.
但, 書就遠不及這個家族精彩.