此書很詳細的講養狗, 貓等的大小事.
引用其他人如何面對寵物死亡的事, 東拉西扯, 我覺得太冗長太瑣碎. 如果只選最精要的, 此書可以省卻一半紙張. 所以, 重複相類似的內容, 此書不能感動我.
What that something is, is hard to put into words. It is known, felt, acknowledged, understood, but it is does not easily lend itself to description, or even explanation. Anyone who has been present at the death of their dogs knows what I am speaking about.
作者養過不少寵物, 後來成了素食者.
At night, they invariably wanted to sleep in our bed, which fortunately both Leila and I considered an honor and a privilege.
養貓的人, 的確很喜歡與貓一起睡.
Euthanasia is when they are unbearably suffering with absolutely no prospect of cure.
I still believe that the most important thing for your animal at the end is for you to be there if you possibly can.
我養的兩隻貓, 都是在家裡渡過最後一刻. 作為主人, 可以陪伴到最後, 是大家的福氣, 是一種圓滿.
跟作者不同, 我的貓死後, 不能/想立即再領養.
回覆刪除有些義工可以不停收養病貓, 養到最後, 我很佩服.