去年10月開始借, 看的進度很慢, 如果不是疫情而圖書館休館, 我很可能續借次數滿了會放棄.
不是說它不好, 不過50年代的書, 不似現在的會分章節, 看起來容易些.
它的內容, 可能現今都已聽過或者廣告採用過. 過時? 應該說70年後的今天, 還沒有其他理論可以勝過它, 所以今天看來以為是舊東西, 其實是雋永.
以Motivational Research去講解人的行為如何能被影響.
3 levels of interests:
1. conscious, rational level, where people know where is going on, and are able to tell why
2. preconscious and subconscious but involves that area where a person may know in a vague way what is going on within his own feelings, sensations, and attitudes but would not be able to tell why. This is the level of prejudices, assumptions, fears, emotional promptings and so on.
3. we not only are not award of our true attitudes and feelings but would not discuss them if we could.
To women, don't sell shoes - sell lovely feet - Dr Dichter
The flashes of message were split-second, too short for people in the audience to recognize them consciously.
People have a terrific loyalty to their brand of cigarette and yet in tests cannot tell it from other brands. They are smoking an image completely. ~ Name withheld upon request.
黃霑說說萬寶路香煙, 賺不少錢. 拍廣告就不惜工本, 有數不盡的攝影機在不同的角度拍馬匹奔馳, 總會找到一個好的角度. 所以廣告成了經典.
萬寶路最早期的對象是女性, 後來改了男性, 於是廣告就要切合他們的心理.
While a competitor can often successfully imitate your product as to ingredients and claims of quality, a vivid personality image in much more difficult to imitate and so can be a more trustworthy sales factor.
把人造牛油以幸運及四葉草的形象包裝一下, 就銷量大增.
The deep-down problem they had to cope with, he advised, was this guilt feeling about self-indulgence.
零食會令人肥胖, 於是把它們製成小包小包的, 買時就沒有罪惡感了.
Washing machine, if you tell the housewife that by using your washing machine, drier, or dishwasher she can be free to play bridge, you're dead...free her to have more time with her children and to be a better mother.
Marketing Eight Hidden Needs:
1. Selling reassurance of worth.
Detergent and soap, housewives tend to switch from one brand to another as they feel they are engaged in unrewarded and unappreciated drudgery when they clean. The advertiser should thus foster the wife's feeling of "worth and esteem".
2. Selling ego-gratification.
This in a sense is akin to selling reassurance of worth. Buyer (purchasing agent of shovel) were strongly influenced ty the comments and recommendations of their shovel operators.
3. Selling emotional security.. .e.g. fridge
4. Selling creative outlets.
baking a cake is acting out the birth of a child, making a gift for themselves to their family.
5. Selling a sense of power.
Buying car, boat...personal extension of power
6. Selling a sense of roots.
Buying wine. The good old days - the home sweet home wine...
7. Selling immortality.
Buying insurance
8. Selling love objects
mom image
If he is tense he blinks them more frequently, under extreme tension up to 50-60 times a minute.
眨眼次數多, 代表對貨品有興趣.
People are stimulated to be impulsive, evidently, if they are offered a little extravagance. e.g. putting a pat of butter on top of each its steaks caused sales to soar 14%.
Tiny shopping carts: the small children go zipping up and down the aisles imitating their mothers in impulse buying.
小小購物車的功用, 現今的toyRus...有.
留意, 此書已70歲, 可見其影響力.
香港地方小, 不可以有小兒購物車, 但購物車內設計給小孩坐, 那他們可以更容易於媽媽購物時給意見.
3 Merchandising strategies:
1. Offer bigness
...subconsciously, biggest with best, best at least at making a big impression...bigger stove, more working space.
People are willing to pay a great deal more for a little space they don't really use because what they are interested in is not so much the space itself as the expensive appearance of a large range.
Lincoln was running double-page magazine spreads showing its car stretched the width of two pages: "Never before a Lincoln so long..., so longed for."
2. Status symbol
Jean Patou, Jan perfume "costliest perfume in the world". ($45 per once)
3. Testimonials by celebrities-
You can't make loyal customers out of people who are ashamed to buy it. (to stress the positive values)
Recruiting customers: A drive to put THREE cars in every garage.
People must be controlled by manipulating their instincts and emotions rather than by changing their reasonings. This is a fact of which politicians have always made use when they have persuaded their constituents by appealing to their sentiments, rather than by employing reasoning, which would never be listed to or at least never prove effective for moving the crowds.
IT was a good working rule that people's attitudes are more easily reached through their emotions than through their intellects.
我們比作者晚出生70年, 不可以說以上是老生常談.
是一本好書, 如果是廣告從業員應該細看.
黃霑沒有介紹錯, 他的廣告就應用的例子.