2022年5月7日 星期六

The Joy of Less


第5波前借的書, 因為圖書館閉館所以慢慢的看.

此書結集很多不同人的分享, 多是已退休人士由大屋搬細屋, 要丟掉東西.  

內容離不開, 把多餘的送人, 回收或丟棄. 

始終是普通人的分享, 所以才顯得「斷捨離」一書很有深度. 也帶哲理. 


從未累積如此多的過期罰款. 十分難忘. 

圖書館也寬厚, 重開後, 還書限期前即5月5日前, 我去借書時他們再立即為我更新了續借, 即是再重新開始續借第一次, 再有5次續借機會. 
即是, 此書我可以借大半年. 

Everything we had slated to go into storage would be sold or given away instead.

The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. — Socrates

We will call it a blackout night, and instead of our noses in screens, we will make art and play games.
Joy of less 也包括不沉溺於電子產品. 每周有一天blackout night. 

Pass It On Party.

Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets.

My closet were jammed with clothes that fit, might fit one day, or would never fit but gave me hope.

