2023年11月27日 星期一

The Little Book of Happiness


小小一本書, 很多彩. 



悲觀的人, 見到人家開心, 自己就不能參與. 




Hedonic Wellbeing – Peak moments of enjoyment. (Flow) 


Eudaimonic wellbeing – Comes from a sense of meaning, growth and self-actualization, ie meaningful to you and goes beyond the self.


Negativity bias, a part of our survival mechanism and would have come in very handy when we were hunter-gatherers needing to avoid nasty threats such as sabre-toothed tigers. The purpose of negative emotions is to keep us safe: they alert us to danger and let us know when something needs our urgent attention. We need to work a little harder to overcome the negativity bias in order to cultivate positive emotions that will keep us on the path to happiness.

人偏向負面或悲觀是因為祖先在野外要面對很多危害, 必要步步為營才可以生存. 


Happiness is something we do, rather than something that just happen.


Making a habit of happiness 

1. learn to play

- write a list of ten recreational activities that you enjoy, e.g tv, quizzes 

- schedule something from your playlist every day, even if it's only for five or ten minutes 

-keep your playlist handy 

2. express gratitude

3. savour the prositve

4. harness your strengths

5. live with meaning

6. learn optimism 

7. value relationships 

8. practise kindness

9. get physical 

10. turn to nature

11. practise mindfulness

12 strive for success

Discover your strengths 

What are you doing easy and are naturally good at?

What do you find easy and are naturally good at? 

When do you feel most alive? What energizes you? 

What sort of skill do you pick up effortlessly? 

What do you do just for the love of it? 

What are you passionate about? 

What makes you feel "this is the real me"?

What were you good at a s a child? How does it show up in your life now? 

What are you doing when you're "in flow"? 


Live with meaning

1. Relationships -family and friends

2. Making a contributions to society 

3. Personal development, such as learning new skills 

4. Justice - standing up for a cause

5. Achievement - working toward goals

6. Creativity - expressing yourself as an artist or musician

7. Spirituality/philosophy - exploring the deeper question of life

8. Health - improving or recovering your health

9. Pleasure, such as travelling 

10. Leaving a legacy to the world, such as passing on knowledge. 


不過, 也值得多方面找尋快樂. 

