2019年9月15日 星期日

Ronald Reagan


領導人, 要有幽默感才容易給人好印象. 我是看過他的軼事才對借此書 



我只對他的個人生活, 及書內的英文有興趣. 他的政見, 政績職, 對戈爾巴喬夫, 伊拉克...我一概沒有多留意. 

曾做救生員, 救過70多人, 又是球賽旁述員, 影星, 善於表達自己及辭令. 當了總統, 很留意自己的形象, 也很努力的準備各種演辭.  


Tyranny is tyranny, and whether it comes from the right, left, or centre, it is evil. 

A Secret Service agent pushed Reagan into his limousine, which sped off with the president seemingly uninjured. Reagan suddenly began to cough up blood and the agent ordered the driver to detour to Hospital. Though Reagan felt increasingly constricted in his breathing, he insisted on walking into hospital. Once inside he collapsed. Doctors discovered that a bullet had bounced off the limousine an struck Reagan, hitting his lung and lodging an inch away from his heart... When he entered the hospital he was moments from death.
這是說他給暗殺時的情況. 曾是運動健將, 性格剛強, 可見一斑. 

Honey, I forgot to duck.

He joked with surgeons that he hoped they were all Republicans. Although 70 years old, Reagan had a strong physical constitution honed by years of regular exercise that allowed for a relatively rapid recovery.

He refused to negotiate with union leaders, "Dammit, the law is the law", he exclaimed. Two days later, when only 38 percent of the air traffic controllers reported to work, Reagan fired the strikers and replaced them temporarily with military personnel. More than 2/3 Americans supported his stand. 
如何應付工會領袖及航空公司的罷工, 十分有膽色. 

他的年代, 不乏恐怖份子襲擊及示威, 他是一個強勢的總統. 

Reagan (73)and Mondale faced off again. "I will not make age an issue in this campaign" he joked, "I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents' youth and inexperience."  
也有名的選舉軼事, 競選連任時, 已70多歲了. 

原來蘭西是一個很信星相的人, 列根的大小事, 都會聽她的星相師意見.  

