小書, 很易看.
不一定要真的玩當中的遊戲, 只是邊看邊幻想箇中情景, 也很有趣.
The last player left wins.
Flick up and down through the channels / flick around channels until you find an advertisement.
Spaghetti Snakes
Take turns to add another strand joining on to the front of your spaghetti snake. Your snake can't ever turn a corner more sharply than 90 degrees. If you snake hits the edge of the playing surface or crosses another snake, you are eliminated. Last snake remaining wins.
Macro Match
Take a secret close-up picture of something nearby. Everyone else will race to figure out what the picture shows. The player with the most points wins.
Fold over that page and crease it so that one of its corners touches a letter A somewhere on that page. Now, take another corner, and fold it so that its corner touches a letter B. Keep going - how far into the alphabet can you get?The further you get, the better!
Spoon Detector
Hide a teaspoon under a crumpled-up tea towel. The first player to successfully find the spoon with a single finger-poke will be the winner.
以擦膠, 小文具代替匙羹也一樣好玩.