2021年10月2日 星期六

Think Happy: : instant peptalks to boost positivity


一直都有看書, 只係沒有時間更新網誌. 

到今天, 已比去年同期看多了書, 都不錯哇. 

這一本, 看完竟月, 了無記憶, 哈哈, 如果不是已記下重點, 就成了記憶中的黑洞, 全然不知所蹤. 很可能是因為老新常談吧. 

當時借此書的目的很簡單, 因為封面七彩, 令人開心. 


If you do what you always do, you'll get what you always get. 

5 things to say when trying something new

- every expert started out as a beginner 

- practice is how you learn

- fear is nature's caffeine

It offers an espresso shot of fuel and awareness to do what I gotta do. 

- it's easier to be a saint for fifteen minutes than an hour

- pour yourself a "cockytale" - a delicious blend of persuasive happy facts and/or marvelous memories - prepared just for you. 

5 things to say when feeling grumpy 

- thoughts are like a steering wheel - racecar drivers know not to look at walls for obstacles. Successful drivers diligently keep their eyes on where they want to go. 

- Being negative is like spraying yourself with anti-charisma 

- everything in life comes with a pooper scooper factor 

- ban the words "always" and "never" from your vocabulary - very rarely actually true. It's usually a highly exaggerated negative belief. 

- be a positive evidence collector - grumpy people are 'negative evidence collectors", happy people constantly looking for awesome things, people, and events to put into a mental folder labelled "Proofed life is awesome".  

5 things to say when dealing with major challenges 

- sometimes you're taken into troubled waters not to drown but to be cleansed. 

- rewrite you tale of woe as a tale of wow, stop presenting your story as a sad one. "the gift", "the bridge", "the assignment". 

- when your world gets turned upside down view it from a new perspective 

- be your own superhero, life will keep sending you the same problem over and over again - until you hero-up and choose to bravely face your inner demons and learn that darn lesson! 

- it is what it is - but you have the power to turn it into an isn't-so-bad, Aristotle believed true happiness comes from gaining insight and growing into your best self. 

5 things to say when faced with failure 

- celebrate effort not outcome 

- there is a gain in every pain 

- never give up

- I believe in... big believer in the propulsion power of believing. 

- sometimes you have to cha-cha-cha your way to getting what you want, success is rarely a linear, straightforward process

5 things to say to improve your self-love life. 

- perfectionism is a form of self-abuse 

- you are not a pretzel, don't twist yourself not who youi think people want you to be, just to make them happy. 

- no matter how awesome you are, you won't be everyone's cup of tea - but no worries. You'll be many people's double espresso. 

- weird is the new awesome 

- do good to feel good, raise their self esteem, which then makes them feel even happier... and on and on this cycle recycles itself. 

5 things to say when dealing with toxic people 

- if someone is trying to pull you down, it just means they are beneath you, some people hate you only because other people love you, they are trying to diminish what you have, because they think you have too much, and they wish they had more.  

- never let a zombie bit turn you into a zombie, your zombie who was bitten by a zombie - and so on. you never become a zombie yourself.  

- you are a fine piece of china. don't let anyone treat you like a paper plate. 

- every jerk has a silver lining, there are always perks to learn from jerks. A biggie: they remind you to not be anything like them. 

- you can't see your haters when you've got your love glasses on, don't waste your energy on hate and resentment; invest it in love and contentment. 

5 things to say when you feel stressed out 

- each day has only a certain amount of time - don't waste it, stressing over things you can't control

- dorothy never said there was no place like office

- "almost everything will work better if you unplug for a few minutes - including you." Anne Lamott 

- find the humor, increases endorphins and dopamine, increases relaxation response, reduces pain and tension; increases resilence and optimism

- you are not required to set yourself an fire to keep others warm, self care is not selfish care. 

stop being ruled by guilt

eat healthy meals, and get enough vitamin Zzzzzzs

make time to work out at the gym 

make time to go inward in a spiritual practice 

get enough me-time doing things you love 

get enough we-time doing things with people you love

5 things to say when looking for and maintaining love 

- don't look for a partner who is eye candy. look for a partner who is soul food

- just like you shouldn't go food shopping when starving, you should be careful looking for love when lonely.

- realize how much you're worth, and don't give people discounts 

- if it doesn't open, it's not your door, not everyone you lose is a loss. you don't need anyone who doesn't need you. Even when you are at your best, you won't be good enough for the wrong person. In contrast, you are at your worst, you'll still be worth it for the right person. 

- it is better to hold out for a soul mate than settle for a cell mate. 


5 things to say when you need to forgive and forget 

- don't hurt yourself because you're angry at someone else, whatever your problem, the answer is never in the fridge. 

- hating someone makes them important. Forgiving them makes them obsolete

- forgiveness is releasing someone from a spiritual debt -  a debt you're the one stuck paying for

- when someone treats you badly, it's because they feel bad

- don't mistake a cave for a cocoon, a cocoon is a quiet, comfortable place where you evolve and regain energy to reemerge in your full power 

5 things to say to motivate yourself to go for your dreams

- if people double how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore

- think of life as a competition with yourself to become extraordinary 

- fun is a high-performance fuel. 

- don't shrink your dreams, super-size who you are. 

- the law of attraction doesn't work without the law of perspiration. 

